Our Podgy Pooches Program is Almost Ready!

You may have heard us talking about our Podgy Pooches Program over the last few months, and we're so excited to let you know that we are now very close to finishing our Podgy Pooches Program!

Our Podgy Pooches Program will be released in January.

The Podgy Pooches Program will be focused on overweight dogs, those who are too fat. It will be made up of three steps. These steps include:

Step 1

You’ll be guided by Laura, our Pet Nutritionist, through a series of step by step informative video sessions and essential documents to learn how to understand your podgy pooch, and provide the tools you need for their slimming journey to healthy hound.

Step 2

For the Podgy Pooches Program Step 2, things get personal. Laura, our Expert Pet Nutritionist, will be supporting you directly, making a plan of action which is completely tailored to your pooch.

Step 3
Join the
Podgy Pooches Pack to celebrate every success in your pooch's weight loss journey. Join our monthly video call led by Laura, to track your pooch's progress and be supported through every step of your journey.

However, we need your help. Before we finalise everything and hit go, we want to make sure that we have everything covered.

This is where you come in. Please take just a minute to answer this one question. What we want to ask is...

What are your two top questions about overweight dogs that we absolutely NEED to answer in our Podgy Pooches Program?

Thank you,


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Podgy Pooches Program

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